The Youth Ministry at White Bluff Chapel includes all students from 6th-12th grade. The White Bluff Chapel Youth Fellowship Group meets during the school year on Sunday evenings in homes of our students. We have a Middle School Group (6th Grade – 8th Grade) and a High School Group (9th Grade – 12th Grade) that meet from 6:00 – 7:30. These weekly gatherings consist of a light meal, a devotion led by White Bluff Chapel volunteers, and time to connect with one another.
Another way for our students to connect is to attend the Youth Bible Study (6th Grade – 12th Grade) each Sunday from 9:30 – 10:30 in the Youth Room at White Bluff Chapel. Students are encouraged to then attend worship starting at 10:30. For questions email:
Youth Carolina Creek Winter Retreat
The White Bluff Chapel Youth Group travelled to Carolina Creek Christian Camp on Lake Livingston near Huntsville for Winter Weekend January 31-February 2. Eleven students and two chaperones participated with other youth groups from around Texas in this weekend event focused on growing closer with Christ and each other. The weekend theme was “Navigate” centered on Ephesians 5:1-2, encouraging students to be “imitators of God.” A few of the highlights mentioned by the students were playing 9 Square, taking 3rd place in the 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament, and spending time after each worship service praying together and discussing what was learned.

Pizza and Pickleball with the Youth
On Sunday, Nov. 3 the White Bluff Chapel Youth, Parents, & Volunteers gathered at the White Bluff Pickleball Courts for “Pizza & Pickleball.” This has turned into an annual event with turnout increasing every time. All four courts were full for hours as beginners and experienced players enjoyed fun competition well into the evening. Be on the lookout for another “Pizza & Pickleball” event again in 2025!
A Fun Outing For Our Youth
WBC’s Youth Group went to Topgolf in Waco on Sunday, Oct. 13. Accompanied by several chaperones and drivers, some of our youth had dinner at Cane’s and some went to Freddy’s before enjoying an evening together at Topgolf. If you missed out this time be sure to stay tuned for the next youth event!

See You at the Pole!
See you at the Pole is an annual gathering of thousands of Christian students who meet at school flag pole one special day of the year to pray. This event began on September 12, 1990 in Burleson when a group of teenagers gathered to pray for several schools. It is now an international event.
This year, students from Whitney High School and Whitney Middle School participated in a scripture reading and prayers before the school day began. WHS had about 100 students, and WMS had over 75 students who participated. Area youth/family church ministers worked together to encourage the Whitney youth to be bold in the witness as they prayed around the pole.
What a great way to start the day!
On Sunday, September 9th, Pastor Aaron was given the opportunity to baptize Luke Leverett. Luke was baptized in his family pool surrounded by family and chapel members who were there to support him. Luke was one of the youths who attended Wild Week summer camp.
A big “Thank You” goes out to everyone who supports our Chapel students.

Back to School Bash
On Sunday, September 8th, thirty White Bluff Chapel students and adults gathered for the 2024 Back To School Bash at the J-G Ranch near Blum. This event marked the end of summer and the start of a school year full of opportunities for fun, fellowship, and spiritual growth. At this event, students took part in fishing, corn hole, boat rides, & games. They also enjoyed roasting hot dogs & s’mores over a fire pit. Thank you to Jim and Pat Griffin for being such welcoming hosts.
For information about future events and weekly activities please email Aaron Franklin at

Wild Week
On Sunday, June 30, 8 students and 2 chaperones departed White Bluff Chapel for WildWeek Camp at Carolina Creek Christian Campground on Lake Livingston near Huntsville. This group participated in daily worship services, recreation, and fellowship with other students from around the state. The worship services were led by an outstanding band while the guest speakers brought great insights and challenges from Scripture. Recreation consisted of volleyball, basketball, nine square, gaga ball, numerous lakefront activities, and many other fun group events. As the week came to a close it was evident that God had worked in the lives of our students as several made personal spiritual decisions to grow closer to Jesus Christ. We look forward to returning to WildWeek 2025!

College Day Pool Party
Seven youth, sixteen Baylor athletes and a variety of parents, adults and mentors met at the pool in the Highlands for a time of food, fellowship and fun! This was after they all worshipped together in the 10:30 service where two of the Baylor athletes, Elise and Faith, participated in the service.
During the fellowship time, one of the Baylor athletes shared her experience sharing the gospel to an athlete from the Czech Republic. Also, one of the youth from our White Bluff Chapel shared that he is growing closer to Jesus on a personal level through camps, Bible study, and worship services. How exciting to hear the youth sharing their faith with others.
Thanks to all that helped make this a successful youth outreach!!!
Pizza and Pickleball
Our youth and parents met on the pickleball courts for an “End of School Year Celebration”. The evening was filled with exciting, fierce competition on the courts and fresh hot pizza. The competition on the courts was so much fun, that this celebration extended longer into the evening. The fun by the numbers:
Thirty youth,
Twenty parents and
Ninety Six slices of Pizza!

Youth Fellowship
On January 8th, fifteen middle school youth gathered at the Martin’s home in Whitney. After everyone reviewed their thoughts and actions in 2023, they prayed for forgiveness for a sin that was on their heart. Then they symbolically burned them. Each youth adopted a word from the fruits of the spirit, the beatitudes and others to remind themselves and to encourage all to live more like Christ in 2024.

Fun at the Baylor Volleyball Game
Thirty youth and adults attended the Baylor Volleyball game. The youth was able to get autographs from the players and to interact with them. “Marigold” was kind enough to pose for pictures as well. After the game, all attended a post game meal.
Pizza and Pickleball Games
The due to the chilly weather, the Pizza and Pickleball night turned into Pizza and Games! Twenty youth & sponsors showed up in the Fellowship Hall for dinner and camaraderie. After enjoying pizza, they watched football on the television; they played video games, dominos, Jenga, Connect Four and more.

Baptism at the Highlands Pool
On Sunday, October 8, Pastor Aaron had the opportunity to baptize Kegan Nadal at the Highlands Pool. Kegan is the third White Bluff Chapel student who attended Wild Week summer camp who has now been baptized.
A big “Thank You” goes out to everyone who supports our Chapel students.
Youth Fellowship Kickoff
On Sunday, September 10 the White Bluff Chapel Youth Group met at the Cascade Pool for a Pizza & Pool Party. Their parents met simultaneously at the Lonestar Room for an informational gathering. 30 students and 20 parents attended this event which served as the Fall Kickoff to Sunday evening Youth Fellowship Groups that meet in the homes of students each Sunday at 6PM.

Young Talented Musicians
Sunday during worship, we were treated to some special music. Claire Schneider played “Amazing Grace” on the piano, EJ Franklin played, “How Great Thou Art” on the Saxophone, Reed Schneider played “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” on the piano, and Luke Leverett played a “Gospel Medley “on the fiddle.
These young musicians also brightened the summer days at the Country Club Retirement Community. They played for the residents five times this summer.

Wild Week and College Day
What a summer it has been for the White Bluff Chapel Youth Ministry! A few highlights include Wild Week at Carolina Creek where 10 students and chaperones attended youth camp for the week. The amazing camp setting on Lake Livingston provided the perfect backdrop for the youth group to grow closer together and closer to God. Upon return from camp our students hosted athletes from Baylor for College Day. The Baylor students led in portions of the 10:30 service and then stayed for a pool party where they shared about their faith with WBC youth over lunch and games.
One of the most impressive aspects of the summer has been the opportunity to see how God has grown this ministry in only 10 short months. The WBC Youth Ministry was officially started in September 2022 and the spiritual and numerical growth has been truly amazing. May God continue to grow and bless this exciting ministry in the years to come.

Can with a Champ
Cheryl Thornton, award winning pickling and canning champion, invited the youth to come to her farm. The youth learned to make pickles, ate a great dinner and heard about life on the farm. After dinner, Dusty showed the kids some horse training tips. It was such a unique experience that the kids will remember for a long time.
Talented Youth Musicians Play at the CCRC
Residents of the Country Club Retirement Community enjoyed three of the youths from White Bluff Chapel. Claire and Reed Schneider as well as Luke Leverett took the opportunity to play the piano and the fiddle for the residents this past Monday. The students have plans to entertain at the CCRC five different Mondays this summer with their musical talent.

Summer Kickoff
What a great way to kick off the summer! 14 youth in grades 6-12 met in the Fellowship Hall for a barbecue dinner, fellowship, and listened to two former student athletes from Baylor University, Jay and Hannah Sedwick. Before and afterwards, they challenged others to fun games, such as ladder ball, corn hole and ultimate frisbee!
On Saturday, they met in the morning for breakfast and devotion. Then it was time to hit the LAKE! They enjoyed riding on boats, tubing, knee boarding, and swimming!

Pizza and Pickle Ball
The Youth Fellowship Groups wrapped up their Sunday evening studies for the year. The Middle School and High School groups met together at the pickle ball courts. Almost thirty youth showed up for a fun evening of Pickle ball, and they were treated to some delicious Pizza from the new WB Market Marina. Good bye school year and hello summer!
The Summer Kickoff will be June 2-3.

Middle School Youth Fellowship Group
The middle school youth group met at Randy and Susie's house recently. The evening consisted of several great activities. The youth enjoyed the Bible study, fellowship, and of course, food! At the end of the evening they played ping pong.
All students in grades 5 - 8 are welcome to attend each Sunday at 6:00 p.m. for a time of food, fellowship and devotion.
Youth Bible Study
Todd Williams was the guest speaker at the weekly Youth Bible Study on March 5th. Each Sunday evening, we have a middle school and high school Bible Study for our students.