Services: 9:00 AM | 10:30 AM
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Employment Opportunities
We love White Bluff Chapel and our staff! If you are looking for a new place to call home we would love to have you apply for one of our open positions.
Open Positions
Minister of Music and Family
Responsible for the development and oversight of all WBC ministries to children, youth, and family with the goal of
growing believers in their spiritual walk. To organize and develop the overall music program in consultation with the
pastor, staying consistent with the church’s mission, value, and theology.
Reports To: Pastor, White Bluff Chapel
Qualifications and Position Requirements
One who exhibits a personal and growing relationship with God, a teachable spirit, a team approach to ministry, and healthy family life.
One who is gifted and called to Music/Family ministry.
Bachelor's degree is a minimum requirement.
One with a strong theological background who agrees with the WBC statement of faith.
A self-motivated leader with a personal spiritual life congruent with Biblical mandates for leaders (1 Timothy 3:1-7.)
Ability to lead, organize and supervise volunteers.
Excellent interpersonal skills as well as a demonstrated ability to lead Bible study, organize activities, communicate ideas, and use time effectively.
Duties and Responsibilities Relating to Music Ministry (Approx. 40% weekly)
Oversee the Music program including all worship services, rehearsals, funerals, special services, and events.
Work with the Chapel Staff and committees to plan weekly Sunday worship services as well as special/seasonal services.
Direct the choir and lead the congregation during Sunday worship services as well as special services.
Serve as a member of the Worship Committee.
Maintain office hours and attend weekly staff meetings.
Work with community churches to organize special events.
Oversee the maintenance of musical instruments, computers, sound and video equipment used in worship.
Order choir music.
Coordinate with the Audio/Video Committee all requirements necessary in support of the music programs of the Chapel.
Prepare and submit the Music Ministry annual budget to the WBC Treasurer.
Duties and Responsibilities Relating to Family Ministry (Approx. 60% weekly)
Oversee outreach ministry to families in the community focusing on teaching the Bible and demonstrating living the Christian faith.
Develop ministries to strengthen families within the church.
Coordinate and promote Bible Study, Discipleship training, outreach, recreation, music, etc…for the children and youth programs.
Enlist and train leadership in the children/youth programs.
Maintain communication and coordination with the children/youth committee.
Prepare and submit the Family Ministry annual budget to the WBC Treasurer.
Perform other pastoral duties as needed and directed by the pastor.