Below are some recent ministry events.

Youth Carolina Creek Winter Retreat
The White Bluff Chapel Youth Group travelled to Carolina Creek Christian Camp on Lake Livingston near Huntsville for Winter Weekend January 31-February 2. Eleven students and two chaperones participated with other youth groups from around Texas in this weekend event focused on growing closer with Christ and each other. The weekend theme was “Navigate” centered on Ephesians 5:1-2, encouraging students to be “imitators of God.” A few of the highlights mentioned by the students were playing 9 Square, taking 3rd place in the 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament, and spending time after each worship service praying together and discussing what was learned.
Men's Ministry Breakfast
On January 25th, thirty-four men joined the Men’s Ministry for a delicious breakfast prepared by Howard Clement, Larry Turner, Glen Van Wagner, Ron Williams, Danny Bodeker and a few more. As important as who cooked is who cleaned up when it was over. All of the above mentioned plus Ed Helmbeck enthusiastically did the dirty work.
As the men were eating, they enjoyed each other’s company immensely. An interesting and pleasing aspect of the event was the Joy evident by the loudness of the group conversations.
Rick Faught led the program; he spoke about the successful group projects that many of the attendees participated in. He also the discussed that the focus for the upcoming year was to reach out to the isolated and/or potentially lonely members of our communities who need company and help but will not ask for it. He encouraged the group to be proactive on their attempts to be a blessing. Rick shared a hymn with the group by Will Thompson titled “Have I Done Any Good”. ( The song is shared in the picture.)
Steve Glover was their featured speaker. He shared what he learned about being a public servant in his 36-year career as a coach, teacher, principal, and administrator.
As advertised: Faith, Food, Fellowship, and Fun!

Little Lights Learning Center is OPEN
The chapel was bustling with activities on Monday as Little Lights Learning Center began their ministry with 12 children enrolled on the first day. As the children gathered in the sanctuary for their opening morning, Aaron led the students in songs, a brief Bible story and the pledge to the flag.
Then the children went to their classrooms for more fun activities. This week, they discussed the letter A, the color blue and the “circle” shape. The older children, ages 3 and 4, had an “All about Me” lesson including measuring their height, making handprints and footprints. They also had craft time, creating the letter of their first name with Corn Chex. Children in all the age classrooms also participated in creating a handprint craft.
We are so blessed to have this new opportunity for our children to gather and grow. We are very appreciative of the leadership of Lauren ​Bain and Miranda​ Crain as they develop this new ministry.
Mission Trip to Jamaica
Jody and Nancie Yarbro joined a team of thirty-five dental students, college students, dentists, and support people in Saint Elizabeth Parish Jamaica from December 28th-January 4th to provide dental care and glasses to 275 people. Five dentists mentored nineteen dental students from four different dental schools. The team had devotions each day and worship services before clinic.
White Bluff Chapel provided scholarships for five team members.

Salvation Army Bell Ringers
Mid December, thirty-five of our WBC members arrived at the Walmart in Hillsboro to ring the Salvation Army bell. These happy faces worked in groups of two greeting all who entered the store. Proceeds collected throughout the campaign will stay in Hill County.

Critters and Knit and Crochet Groups
The ladies in the Critters and Knit and Crochet groups have had a busy year! This year, the Critters’ group made 1,750 little stuffed animals. These animals were given as gifts for the Kidzone’s Happy Birthday Jesus party, to the food bank, and have traveled the world on various mission trips. This group has made over 42,329 little animals since 2001.
The ladies in the Knit and Crochet group have created 43 blankets and Afghans that were made especially for our friends at the Town Center. They also made over 100 baby caps for the infants in Hillcrest’s NICU. Each child was also given a handmade blanket after each Dedication service.
What a special group or ladies with a giving heart!

The Christmon Tree
The word Chrismon is a combination of two words: “Christ” and “Monogram,” Therefore the word means “monogram of Christ.” The symbols on our tree at Christmas time, are meant to tell the story of God’s incredible gift of Jesus Christ our Lord. The handmade symbols were lovingly made by members of the WBC many years ago. The tree and its symbols add to the chapel’s rich history as we gathered to celebrate during the Christmas season.
These symbols include:
Anchor: The Good News of Christ is an anchor for the soul.
Angels: Angels heralded the birth of our Savior.
Bells: Bells remind us of the sounds of celebration and joy.
Candle: Jesus is the Light of the World.
Chi Rho: The first two letters of the Greek word for “Christ.”
Latin Cross: A reminder of the crucifixion of our Lord.
Crown: Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Dove: A symbol of the Holy Spirit and peace,
IXTHUS: Acrostic for the Greek words meaning “Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Savior.”
Flame: The presence and glory of God.
Manger: The humble place where Jesus was placed after His birth.
Kneeling servant: Our worshipful posture before the Lord.
Star: Star of Bethlehem that guided the Wise Men.
Triangle/Trefoil: Representatives of the Holy Trinity.
Choir Christmas Party
Sunday night, the choir enjoyed their Christmas party. They began their party with a little work! Rehearsal first, then play! After rehearsal, they gave a love gift to Aaron, Paula and Esther to show their appreciation.
Then they met in the Fellowship Hall for a fun game of Christmas Jeopardy. There was lively participation during the game, as well as exceptional food to munch on. The evening ended as they divided into four teams to share their Christmas spirit with others. They went caroling to several homes and to the CCCR.

Women of WBC Cookie Exchange Time
Saturday, December 7th, women of the WBC gathered in the Fellowship Hall for a fun morning. Each lady baked two dozen cookies and put them in bags of four cookies for the exchange. There were sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies, ginger snap cookies, molasses cookies, peanut butter cookies, just to name a few. After a delicious brunch, each lady went through the line to select a different two dozen cookies to take home.
We would like to thank our hosts Marla Bennett, Kelly Bransom, Melissa Hayes and Stacy Hughes for creating this yummy fun event!
Little Lights Open House
December 12th, the Little Lights Learning Center opened their doors for an Open House. Several young parents came to visit the decorated classrooms. Each parent was greeted by a teacher or one of the administrators as they were shown the rooms. The registration fee was waived that evening for those who registered their child that night.
To register your child, or to volunteer visit: http// Classes begin January 13, 2025.

The Christmas Gathering
This year’s Christmas Gathering was the largest one yet. One hundred and thirty-four people signed up to attend, according to Holly Faught, who is the event coordinator. The evening began in one of the ten host homes. Our hosts this year were Ron and Pat Boyd, Todd and Gwen Williams, Chris and Melissa Hayes, Gary and Christine Horne, Earl and Kim Krieg, Bill and Sue Perkins, David and Ava Wood, Jody and Nancie Yarbro, Jerry and Susann Arias and Pastor Randy. After enjoying hors d’oeuvres and the fellowship in the host homes, everyone ended the evening at the chapel.
As everyone gathered in the sanctuary, Karen Paxton, the Hospitality chairperson, thanked everyone for coming and introduced Esther Sousa. Esther magically serenaded the group playing Christmas songs on her saxophone getting everyone in the Christmas mood. Randy concluded the evening and everyone mingled to the Fellowship Hall for a huge of assortment of dessert and punch.
This is such a special evening for the chapel, and we would like to give a special thank you to the Hospitality Committee for organizing the event.
Sleep in Heavenly Peace’s Public Build
Saturday, November 25th, a group of eager builders met at the Forum Courtyard in downtown Whitney for the first build. The community support was amazing! Volunteers were from many different ages, including Jr High students, High School students, parents and grandparents. Seven youth from our chapel participated as well as several adults. In less than two houses, the volunteers were able to build 18 beds!
SHP has beds available to deliver. Please go to their website if you know of a child who has an undesirable sleeping situation.

Baby Dedication
On November 24, two precious babies, Luther James (LJ) and Oliver, were dedicated to God. Luther’s parents are Marcus and Maren Camilo. Oliver Chambers’ parents are Caleb and Claire. Oliver also brought his grand grandparents, Jay and Kay Miller. Both babies were presented with a New Testament Bible, a certificate, and a hand crafted afghan created by the ladies of the Knit and Crochet group.
What a blessing, when a young family comes to make a commitment before the Lord to raise their child according to God’s way.
Honoring Our Veterans
Sunday, November 10th, during both Worship Services, we took the opportunity to recognize our military Servicemembers and Veterans. The patriotic services were led by our pastor, Chaplain Colonel Randy Marshall (Ret.) Musical tributes were provided by our choir, congregational singing, and praise band including Luke Leverett and his father, Brent. Tech Sergeant Chris Montes, a Religious Affairs Airman with the 136th Airlift Wing of the Texas Air National Guard and one of our veterans, Ron Kopystecki provided the scripture and prayer. This annual recognition provides an opportunity to say a heartfelt “thank you” for those who have served or are serving in our nation’s military.

“Little Lights Learning Center” Talking Points
You may have heard that White Bluff Chapel is beginning a new ministry for the children in our community called the “Little Lights Learning Center.”
The Little Lights Learning Center will be held two days a week, Monday and Wednesday from 9:00am to 2:00pm for children ages one through four.
Because children need as much space as possible to provide a safe and efficient learning environment, the WBC children’s area, youth area, and Fellowship Hall will be utilized.
The program will dovetail into our existing children’s ministry. It will be managed and led by members of our church and will focus on sharing Christ and shaping young lives.
We anticipate the program to attract young families who are looking for this type of ministry as well as those seeking a church home.
The scope of the ministry extends to children in White Bluff and throughout Hill and Bosque counties – areas that we have identified as White Bluff Chapel’s “community.”
Some background:
In viewing the God’s Vision/Our Mission video in April of this year, Lauren Bain (daughter of Lonnie and Diane Wagner) was inspired to consider a new outreach ministry.
In talking with parents in the community and identifying a need, she spoke further with Miranda Crain (daughter of Kevin and Brenda Johnson) to develop the idea and potentially partner with her in the endeavor.
Through the summer, conversations continued with Randy, Aaron, Betty and Trustee leadership. After the plan further materialized, it was presented to the full Trustee board in September and then approved by the Trustees in October.
Plans are now being made to further communicate the ministry as well as address space utilization and logistics.
Lauren and Miranda are serving as team leaders under Aaron’s supervision. A team of teachers and helpers are being enlisted.
Scripture theme verse: Matthew 5:16 - Let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Sleep in Heavenly Peace
John Jaskie spoke to the congregation on Sunday, November 3rd about the progression of SHP. He thanked the Chapel for their donation of 50 sets of bedding. He stated that he was excited that SHP has received more bedding from Whitney Fellowship Church. Carla’s Wacky Shack and Carmen’s have kindly volunteered to be drop-off locations for new donated bedding.
They will have their first public build on November 23rd at Whitney Fellowship Church.

Pizza and Pickleball with the Youth
On Sunday, Nov. 3 the White Bluff Chapel Youth, Parents, & Volunteers gathered at the White Bluff Pickleball Courts for “Pizza & Pickleball.” This has turned into an annual event with turnout increasing every time. All four courts were full for hours as beginners and experienced players enjoyed fun competition well into the evening. Be on the lookout for another “Pizza & Pickleball” event again in 2025!
Fall Festival Fun
Aliens, princesses, Buzz Lightyear, dinosaurs and more cute creatures came out to join in the fun activities at the Fall Festival. There were so many booths for the children to enjoy. One could jump in the bounce house, paint pumpkins, create masks, play bingo, crab walk, and toast smores to name a few. After playing games, the children and their families were treated to a hotdog feast, hosted by the Hospitality Committee.

Dental Mission Trip to Chihuahua
Our medical/dental team held clinics in Copper Canyon, Chihuahua, Mexico. They helped many patients, several who were indigenous Tarahuamaras, in the communities of Cienega Prieta, Guachochi, and Batopilas. Between 300-400 medical and dental patients were seen in 4 days of clinic! While Jody and a lady dentist from Chihuahua saw patients, Randy was busy working in the “pharmacy “. He loaded, unloaded, set up the clinics, and did lots of driving! Thank you to White Bluff Chapel for your prayers and support for Dental Missions!
Feeding the Whitney Wildcats
The Men’s Ministry fed the Whitney High School Wildcats during Homecoming Week. Danny Bodeker smoked delicious brisket which was make into sandwiches. The fixins consisted of potato salad, chips and home-made desserts. After the Wildcats feasted, the team gave their attention to guest speaker Keith Harris, WB Golf Pro as he spoke to the boys.

“Rough Riders” Ride Again
The inaugural ride of the “Chapel Rough Riders” was an overwhelming success! Seven brave Souls answered the call to join in the fun. They started with seven and returned with seven, which is always a good thing.
The intent is to ride weekly. Weather permitting; they’ll ride every Saturday starting at 9:00a.m. This is considered a non-competitive Fellowship Ride. However, there are opportunities to add some speed for those so inclined.
Spread the word. This coming Saturday, October 19, they’ll meet in the Chapel Parking lot. For more information, contact Perry Gaudet.
See You at the Pole!
See you at the Pole is an annual gathering of thousands of Christian students who meet at school flag pole one special day of the year to pray. This event began on September 12, 1990 in Burleson when a group of teenagers gathered to pray for several schools. It is now an international event.
This year, students from Whitney High School and Whitney Middle School participated in a scripture reading and prayers before the school day began. WHS had about 100 students, and WMS had over 75 students who participated. Area youth/family church ministers worked together to encourage the Whitney youth to be bold in the witness as they prayed around the pole.
What a great way to start the day!

Au Revoir à Notre Amie, Madeleine
Hats off to our Magnificent Madeleine! Madeleine Lively is moving to the Metroplex after being a large part of our chapel for decades. You could not miss Madeleine while she was singing in the choir. She was the beautiful lady wearing the pretty hat. Madeleine had many talents that she shared in our chapel and with the community. She sang in the choir, was on the Hospitality Committee, wrote for our website and taught ESL classes.
Sunday during fellowship, cake was served in her honor. There was a table of hats which several ladies wore to create a fun send off for our friend.

A Fun Outing For Our Youth
WBC’s Youth Group went to Topgolf in Waco on Sunday, Oct. 13. Accompanied by several chaperones and drivers, some of our youth had dinner at Cane’s and some went to Freddy’s before enjoying an evening together at Topgolf. If you missed out this time be sure to stay tuned for the next youth event!

October is Pastor Appreciation Month
Our Trustee Chairperson, Sherrie Williams surprised Betty, Aaron and Pastor Randy at the beginning of the 9:00 service. Sherrie shared the congregation’s appreciation and love to each one of our pastors. She also presented each with an envelope, and Randy was presented with an additional gift: a new car!!...a Matchbox car.
Here are a few comments from our Facebook page: “They have the biggest servant hearts!”, “We have the best team!”, and ”We sincerely appreciate all of them!
White Bluff Chapel is blessed to have such an amazing pastoral staff.
Jim Shares his Photography
Wilshire has talent! One of our own, Jim Browder displayed and presented his talent of photography to the residents at Wilshire Senior Living in Burleson. We greatly miss Jim and Lanette, but we know they are doing well in their new home. Let’s continue to remember our “extended members” and join with them in celebrating this new chapter of their lives!

Back to School Bash
On Sunday, September 8th, thirty White Bluff Chapel students and adults gathered for the 2024 Back To School Bash at the J-G Ranch near Blum. This event marked the end of summer and the start of a school year full of opportunities for fun, fellowship, and spiritual growth. At this event, students took part in fishing, corn hole, boat rides, & games. They also enjoyed roasting hot dogs & s’mores over a fire pit. Thank you to Jim and Pat Griffin for being such welcoming hosts.
For information about future events and weekly activities please email Aaron Franklin at

Would you like to join a Bible Study?
Discipleship and Fellowship are vital to our Christian growth. Below are some Bible Study opportunities that are resuming, beginning, and ongoing. We hope that you can find one that you would like to participate in.
Men's Weekly Bible Studies for the Fall season begin:
Monday, September 9th, 7:30 a.m. Fellowship Hall, Study of “Matthew.”
Tuesday, September 10th, 6:00 p.m. 27079 Stonewood Drive, Study of “Scriptural applications to daily life.”
Women's Weekly Bible Studies for the Fall season begin:
Tuesday, September 10th, 2:00 p.m. - “Tuesdays at Two” - The Chosen (Season 4)
Wednesday, September 11th, 10:00 a.m. - Study of 1 Peter - Jen Wilkin's video and book study. You can order the book on Amazon.
Thursday, September 12th, 10:00 a.m. - Bible Study Fellowship (BSF)- Study of Revelation. Registration is online at and the workbook can be purchased at the BSF bookstore. This year, BSF Kids, ages 0-5 is also provided.
NOTE All Women’s Bible Studies meet in the Fellowship Hall.
Ongoing weekly Men and Women Bible Studies and Fellowships include:
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. Fellowship Hall, “Acts 2:42” Meal, Prayer, and Devotion
Ongoing weekly Children and Youth Bible Studies include:
Sunday, 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. - Kidzone, ages birth to 5th grade, Children's area.
Sunday, 9:30 a.m. - Youth Bible Study, Youth Room.
“Sundays at Six” - Youth Bible Study begins Sunday, September 15th, 6:00 p.m. in homes.
Monthly Care Groups meet at various times in homes
For more information click the small group tab, then Bible Studies, then the “Bible Study Descriptions”.

Taps Across America
The White Bluff community met on the grassy land overlooking the lake on Memorial Day to pay respect to our fallen heroes. Taps Across America is a patriotic national event held on Memorial Day that honors our nation’s veterans who paid the ultimate price for our country. This ceremony closes throughout the nation at 3:00 local time with Taps being played.
Our local ceremony was planned by Larry Smith. Larry opened the service with some historical facts. “America the Beautiful” and “The Star Spangled Banner” was played by Debbie Hamner on her piccolo. Colonel Randy Marshall gave the message and offered a prayer. The service concluded with Brad Lundberg playing “Taps” on his trumpet.

Easter Services
Hallelujah! Christ has Risen! Christ has Risen, Indeed! What glorious services to worship our King. Special services began the week before Easter with Palm Sunday. Children and choir waved palm branches as they entered the sanctuary. On Maundy Thursday, communion was served to all who wanted to partake in the Lord’s Supper. The next night was the Tenebrae Service. Families read scriptures and extinguished candles. The music was spectacular beginning with the Ring of Praise, continuing with a duet with Mary and Marsha, the choir and several hymns.
Easter morning began early, as members were excited to rejoice our Risen King. They gathered by the marina for the Sunrise Service. Worship continued at the Chapel for the 9:00 and 10:30 services.
Easter Sunday alone, more than 500 attended one of the three services. Our Chapel is so blessed to have a wonderful staff and so many volunteers who made these services so special.

Chapel Family Testimonies
As the Chapel prepares for our Covenant Sunday on April 21st, four families have spoken during our worship services: Brent, Julie and Luke Leverett, Jim and Pat Griffin, and Darren, Melanie Clark and Kegan, and Susan Borg. (There will be two more family’s testimonies in April.)
We were honored to have them tell their story about what the Chapel has meant to them. They all stated the importance of new building growth for our increasing ministries. One couple spoke about the very beginning of White Bluff Chapel. If you were unable to hear their testimonies, we encourage you to follow the directions below to view them.
To hear their testimonies, please go to the home page and click view all services. Then select the dates: February 18th , March 3rd , March 10th and March 17th to view the service in which they spoke.

Valentine Dinner
The White Bluff Chapel Hospitality Committee hosted a Valentine dinner for its members and guests on Friday evening. Close to 100 gathered to enjoy a delicious meal along with entertainment by Bill Louthan, David Murphey, and games by Joyce and Steve Triplett. Bill told funny stories based on his experiences and David Murphey entertained us with live music. It was especially enjoyable to hear some of David’s own compositions that he had written for his wife Kathyrn. Steve Triplett led a game of “Name that Love Song”. Tables competed against each other as they tried to name the song, artist and the year the song was published. All had a fun filled evening.
New White Bluff Chapel Soundboard
If you have noticed a sweet sound emanating from WBC, it’s due to a new soundboard and upgraded microphones that have been in service since December. The new digital mixer board is a PreSonus 32S, and it can accommodate up to 32 mic and instrument inputs. The old analog board served us well for many years, but its capabilities were somewhat limited for a growing music ministry. Mark Fusselman has been at the forefront in implementing the new system. He has used his vast sound experience and personal equipment to install, setup, and troubleshoot the new board to ensure high quality sound in the WBC sanctuary. Mark has also spent many hours training the WBC Audio Team on the new mixer board operations. Thank you Mark!
Kudos also go to Lois and Tom Partridge for their time and talents in constructing a beautiful cabinet to house the new board and sound equipment.

Hospitality Chairman Retires
Mary Parish officially passed down her apron strings at the end of 2023 after serving as the Chairman of Hospitality for 13 ½ years. She stated that she thoroughly enjoyed every one of those years as Chairman. Mary and her hospitality ladies were busy with many special events such as the Christmas Gathering, Progressive Dinners, Mother’s Day Luncheon, Dinner for 8, and Supper Club.
During Covid, the Chapel was not open due to the necessity to quarantine. Mary was concerned about the shut-ins and others who needed a warm meal. She prepared meals weekly for those who wanted a home cooked meal. Meals were delivered to homes or members drove to Mary’s home for a take home dinner.
When Acts 2:42 was introduced, meals were needed every Wednesday. The unofficial motto was, “Feed them and they will come!” AND come, they did! Marilyn Pollard began preparing delicious soups and later, Mary began to prepare the meals.
We appreciate Mary’s dedication to White Bluff Chapel over the years.
Who may use the Columbarium?
Inurnment in the WBC Columbarium will be limited to current/former members of WBC, spouses of members, children/grandchildren/ stepchildren of members, parents/ stepparents of members, and current or past ministers of WBC.
How much does a Columbarium Niche Cost?
Each niche, holding up to two urns, will cost $2,500 including two engravings. Additional engravings will be paid by the member at a cost of $100 each. This cost does not cover the cost of the urns or the cremation.
Why a Memorial Wall?
WBC members may choose to have a family member memorialized by purchasing a memorial wall plaque with their name on it. The plaque will cost $500 which will include one engraving. Additional engravings will be paid by the members at $100 each. No more than four names may be placed on a plaque. Font style will be determined by WBC.

If you have questions, you may contact any of these Columbarium Committee Members:
Betsy & Bill Torman, Chairman
Marilyn & Mike Pollard
Maura & George Collins
Kathleen & John Knightstep
It’s beginning to look like Christmas
Tuesday, several members arrived at the Chapel eager to decorate for our busy Christmas season. Crews decorated the exterior, set up the Chrismon tree in the foyer, hung garland in the sanctuary, and added more Christmas touches throughout the building. You can see below the many possible Christmas programs that you may participate in.
Sunday, December 3rd : Advent Sunday: Hope Candle during 9:00 and 10:30 services
Wednesday, December 6th: Whitney High School Jazz Concert at the Chapel 6:00
Friday, December 8th : Christmas Gathering at 5:30
Sunday, December 10th : Advent Sunday: Peace Candle during 9:00 and 10:30 services
Community Christmas: 6:00 at the First Baptist Church
Youth Christmas Party: 6:00 at the Chapel
Tuesday, December 12th: POA Dinner at the Chapel 6:30
Wednesday, December 13th: Acts 2:42 5:45
Sunday, December 17th : Advent Sunday: Joy Candle during 9:00 and 10:30 services
Wednesday, December 20th: Acts 2:42 5:45
Sunday, December 24th : Advent Sunday: Love Candle. One service only-10:30
Happy Birthday Jesus Party for the children- 10:30
Christmas Eve Services: 5:30 and 7:00
Sunday, December 31st: Once service only-10:30

Honoring our Veterans
We were privileged to honor our Veterans during both of our Worship Services on Sunday Morning, November 12th. There was a patriotic touch during the services. Veteran Larry Lively shared some thoughts and led in prayer. Veteran Ron Stone read the Scripture. Our Pastor and Veteran Colonel Randy Marshall preached on the faith of a Roman Centurion from Matthew 8:5-11. The morning worship allowed us to recognize and appreciate our Veterans and their families while focusing on the grace and mercy of our God.
After the 9:00 Worship service, many gathered in the Fellowship Hall for cake, visited with one another, and heard some stories from days past.

Barbecue at the Griffin’s Ranch
​WBC church members and friends gathered at the Griffin Ranch on Saturday, October 21st to enjoy a time of great fellowship, a bounty of food, and live music. This biennial event is an opportunity for us to gather and celebrate as we anticipate the coming Fall activities and ministries. A special thanks to Jim and Pat Griffin for their hospitality!

Supporting the Whitney Wildcats!
Thursday evening before the Whitney Wildcats hosted the Maypearl Panthers, the Men’s Ministry fed the Wildcats. The group served smoked brisket and the fixins’. Pastor Aaron led a devotional from Ecclesiastes 4, which focuses on becoming the best teammate, while the Wildcats ate.
The next evening, a group from the Chapel worked in the visitor’s concession stand helping the Wildcat Football team raise money. Hotdogs, brats, pickles, nachos, candy, drinks and smiles were eagerly passed out!

Dinner for Eight
Dinner for Eight is a wonderful opportunity to meet people from the congregation that you might not know very well. After signing up in August and or January in the Fellowship Hall with Hospitality, you will be assigned a group that you will have dinner with for the next three months. When it is your turn to host, you may decide on a dinner in your home or in a restaurant or at a fun evening activity. Your imagination is your only limit.

WBC Columbarium and Prayer Garden
Having a memorial on church grounds can be a source of personal emotional support for members. It provides a dignified, yet serene place to pray and meditate. The Columbarium is accessible all year and its setting is pastoral and peaceful so families can visit and be comforted. With an increasing awareness of the benefits of cremation, WBC can provide through a columbarium a dignified, aesthetically pleasing resting place for cremains at a significant cost savings.
Cost of a funeral and burial today is between $15K—$25K. Two funerals/burials might be twice this amount; however each niche can hold two urns reducing the overall cost.
If you have questions, you may contact any of these Columbarium Committee Members:
Betsy & Bill Torman, Chairman
Marilyn & Mike Pollard
Maura & George Collins
Kathleen & John Knightstep
Ice Cream Social
What do you do when it is 108° outside? You have an ice cream social! Over 50 friendly faces gathered for some ice cream and delicious desserts. After cooling off with ice cream, they played a game with their table.

Freedom Sunday
Pastor Randy has been preaching a series of sermons through the 23rd Psalm entitled, “A love song in the summer of ’23.” On the Sunday before the celebration of our nation’s independence, we celebrated the freedom we all have in Christ. As Pastor Randy said, “Overlaying this Psalm with the theme of freedom is appropriate because the only freedom we can enjoy is the freedom that results from following the Good Shepherd – Godly freedom that leads to true fulfillment and lasting peace.”
The worship service included patriotic music as well as songs of the cross. Both remind us that freedom comes with a sacrificial cost.

Special Music for Father’s Day
In a conversation with new members, Brent and Julie Leverett, we discovered that Brent and his son Luke enjoyed playing the guitar and fiddle together. It was a treat to hear Brent and his son, Luke play “Barbed Wire Halo” for the special music on Father’s Day. This father and son duo touched our hearts with their beautiful music.
Pastoral Anniversaries
The chapel has been blessed beyond measure with the pastoral leadership of Dr. Randy Marshall and Aaron Franklin. It is hard to believe how fast time flies! During the Wednesday night weekly Acts 2:42 meeting, we celebrated Randy’s third anniversary as pastor of White Bluff Chapel. The following Monday, on the first day of Vacation Bible School, Aaron was recognized as being the Minister of Family/Music.

Celebrating Memorial Day…and a Birthday!
Once a month, Pastor Randy leads a Worship Service for Whitney’s Country Club Retirement Community (CCRC.) At the most recent Service, residents invited him to a Monday Memorial Day picnic. Randy was able to be a part of their Memorial Day Observance as he visited the residents and led a prayer. He was also able to have his picture taken with one of the residents who was celebrating a birthday.
White Bluff residents joined 100,000’s of trumpets around the nation to remember more than 1,000,000 brave men and women who have lost their lives fighting for our freedom. Larry Smith organized this local event which was held on the front yard of the Inn. Colonial Randy Marshall led a short service. At precisely 3:00, Taps was played by Brad Lundberg.

Holy Week Services
What a powerful week! Christ the Lord is risen! He has risen indeed!
Holy Week started on Palm Sunday as we proclaimed,” Hosanna! Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord!” Throughout the week, all were encouraged to reflect upon the sacrifice of Jesus. Maundy Thursday and Friday Tenebrae Worship Services were meaningful with over 100 attendees in each service. During the Maundy Thursday service, communion was served to all who chose to receive the elements. The Tenebrae service was a touching service with members who read Scripture as the lights were dimmed. The choir sang “Arise, My Soul, Arise”, accompanied by Dr Rogerio Nunes on the violin.
Over 450 adults and children attended the services Sunday morning. The Sunrise Service started at 7:00 a.m. overlooking picturesque Lake Whitney. The 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Worship Services were held in the chapel with joy and celebration. In the Chapel, Jesus’ cross was beautifully decorated by flowers brought from people’s garden representing new life and new beginnings. The services ended with the choir singing the “Hallelujah Chorus.” Hallelujah! May the joyful celebration of our risen Lord resound as we glorify and serve Him!
If you would like to view a service during Holy Week and our Easter Celebration Service, you may go to the link on the front page of this webpage.

Ordination Service
Our Worship Service on Sunday was highlighted with the Ordination of Aaron Franklin, our Minister of Music and Family. Family and friends from Aaron’s former churches were present to read scripture, pray, and encourage Aaron as he goes forward in his ministry.

Community Veterans Recognition 2022
The Whitney community gathered at the Whitney Senior Sunday on November 11th to honor our Military Veterans. The event, sponsored by the Fort Graham Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution organized school, community, and military-support organizations to highlight the contributions of our military men and women. A special WBC thanks to the event organizer, Madeleine Lively; the WBC choir; WBC Men’s Ministry; and Keynote speaker, Pastor Randy for their participation and assistance in making this a memorable event.
Paw Pals Garage Sale
Our Men’s Ministry recently helped our local animal shelter (Paw Pals) with a garage sale. We are always amazed how God works in our ministry. We had planned to work for a couple of hours. Life changes and we ended up helping several White Bluff families who have been going through some rough times. We were there to help, but visiting with these families gave us tears, re-connection and life awareness. It is amazing how God works in our ministry. Several in our neighborhood are moving and were ready to donate items to the garage sale. The men gladly helped load and take the items to the sale. Those assisting were Rick Faught, Ron Stone, Jay Miller, Larry Lucas, Terry Newman, Kathy Coons, Roy Ringwald, Reba and Mike Miller.

Safety Response Team
The White Bluff Chapel has a well-trained Safety Response Team. These men and women are trained to handle medical, as well as security, emergencies. Their training is frequent and ongoing to sharpen their skills and ensure our safety. Below is a picture of their recent training on gun use and safety. Thanks to Ron Roberts for sharing his shooting range, expertise, and leadership!

Celebrating the Franklin’s with a “Pounding”
We had a large turnout to welcome and celebrate the Franklin’s arrival by giving them a “pounding”. In years past, people would welcome their neighbors by bringing them a “pound” of useful items. Thanks to a well-organized team, we were able to fill the Franklin’s pantry, refrigerator as well as their laundry room with “pounds” of needed and useful items for their new home.